London MCM Expo -
Sunday 21 October 2007
Excel, Royal Victoria Dock, London
(Thank you to Oliver and Laurence from Modern Monstrosity and to Harry from Markosia!)

Cosplay Doll Zone Modern Monstrosity Neptune Factory
Cosplay People around People around People around
Willie Hewes People around Spiderman  
Cosplay Naruto Cosplay

Birmingham International Comics show - 13 October 2007
Millennium point - Curzon street - Birmingham B47 XG

(Thank you to David from Bahala na - Zipgun comics)

Bahala-na Comics Studio Blink Twice City of Heroes Various exhibitors
Gadgets More gadgets Genki gear Lady retailer
Paintings Pantomime press People around Signing
Star Wars Willie Hewes Smallzone Distribution Neptune Factory

Exhibitors Soaring Penguin Mike Mignola Posters Signing

International Festival of Comics of Lodz - October 5-7 2007
House of Culture of Lodz - Lodz - Poland

Awards ceremony City Stories project people Maurizio DiVincenzo art Gallery Jenika with statue
interview Mourier signin Jenika with friends people around 1 prize winner competition
Banner on the street people around

LONDON MCM EXPO - Saturday 26 May 2007
Excel, Royal Victoria Dock, London
(a really big THANK YOU! to Modern Monstrosity people Oliver and Laurence who made this possible!)

Modern Monstrosity People around Toys Playstation Silver Surfer
Simpson: The Movie Neptune Factory Robot wars Dancing videogame People around
Virtual reality Monkey Island Jenika and Henry Davies Neptune Factory Super Mario

People around More videogames People around Chair for relaxing Tokyo Pop banner Statue

Bristol Comic Expo - Saturday 12 May 2007
(Thank you so much to Jimmy Bott!!!!)

People around People sitting around Neptune Factory table
People around People around Jenika and Jimmy Bott

Uk Web and Mini Comix Thing - 17 March 2007
Queen Mary University, Mile End road, Mile End, London.

The stage people around people around 2 people around 3
people around 4 Neptune Factory table Neptune Factory table 2 Neptune Factory table 3
Our neighbour Jenika drawing The guild